2 min read

How to Remove Tacky from Atlas Stones

Atlas Stones are a staple in the Strongman community, often seen as the ultimate test of raw strength and endurance. However, after an intense training session, the tacky residue left behind can be a real challenge to remove.
How to Remove Tacky from Atlas Stones
Cerberus Atlas Tacky Remover

Atlas Stones are a staple in the Strongman community, often seen as the ultimate test of raw strength and endurance. However, after an intense training session, the tacky residue left behind can be a real challenge to remove. In this blog post, we'll guide you step-by-step on how to remove tacky from your Atlas Stones, ensuring they stay in top shape for your next workout.

What is Tacky?

Tacky is a sticky substance used by strongman athletes to get a better grip on Atlas Stones. It's often made from tree resin and other natural ingredients, but it can leave a stubborn residue on your equipment, hands, and clothing.

Tips for Removing Tacky from Atlas Stones

Removing tacky from Atlas Stones is a simple process, but it does require a bit of time and patience. Below are some helpful tips and tricks.

1. Use a Plastic Scraper or Spatula

A plastic scraper or spatula is a great tool to remove the bulk of the tacky residue from your Atlas Stones. It's crucial to use plastic rather than metal to avoid damaging the stone. Gently scrape off the tacky residue, taking care not to scratch or gouge the stone.

2. Apply a Citrus-Based Cleaner

Citrus-based cleaners are a fantastic, natural solution for removing tacky. They can cut through the sticky residue, making it much easier to remove. Simply spray the cleaner onto the stone, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Repeat the process if necessary.

3. Use WD-40

If the tacky residue is particularly stubborn, you can use WD-40 as a last resort. Spray a small amount onto the stone and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a cloth to wipe off the residue. Remember, WD-40 can be slippery, so ensure to clean the stone thoroughly after to avoid any accidents during your next workout.

Tricks for Removing Tacky from Hands and Clothing

Tacky can be equally challenging to remove from hands and clothing. Here are a few tricks to make the process easier.

1. Use Baby Oil or Olive Oil

Baby oil or olive oil can be a lifesaver when it comes to removing tacky from your hands. Apply a generous amount of oil to your hands, rubbing it into the tacky. Once the tacky starts to break down, you can wash your hands with warm water and soap.

2. Use Goo Gone on Clothing

If you get tacky on your clothes, don't panic! Goo Gone is a product specifically designed to remove sticky substances. Apply a small amount to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, wash the clothing as usual.

3. Use Cerberus Atlas Tacky Remover

The Cerberus Atlas Tacky Remover is a must-have for any strongman athlete. This product is designed specifically to remove tacky from your hands and training equipment. Simply apply it to the affected area and rub until the tacky begins to dissolve. After that, rinse with warm water. For clothing, test in a small, unnoticeable area first to ensure it doesn't affect the fabric's color.


Removing tacky from Atlas Stones, hands, and clothing doesn't have to be a headache. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to keep your strongman training equipment and gear in top condition. Remember, cleaning Atlas Stones isn't just about aesthetics; it's about safety and performance too. A clean stone provides a better grip and reduces the risk of injury. So, take the time to clean your stones after each session - your future self will thank you!