3 min read

What Tacky to use on Atlas Stones?

Tacky is the strongman's secret weapon. It's a sticky substance applied to your hands and forearms, providing an improved grip on the Atlas Stones. Without tacky, the smooth surface of the stones can become a significant challenge, even for the most seasoned strongman.
What Tacky to use on Atlas Stones?
Cerberus Grade III on left and Cerberus Grade II on right. Grade II is better for colder weather and Grade III works good in hot weather.

Have you ever been stumped on how to tackle those Atlas Stones in your Strongman training routine? When it comes to gripping these heavyweights, one crucial element that's often overlooked is the use of tacky. Today, we'll delve into the world of tacky, why it's essential for Atlas Stones, and which type you should use.

Understanding the Importance of Tacky

Tacky is the strongman's secret weapon. It's a sticky substance applied to your hands and forearms, providing an improved grip on the Atlas Stones. Without tacky, the smooth surface of the stones can become a significant challenge, even for the most seasoned strongman.

Tacky reduces the risk of the stone slipping from your hands, which could potentially lead to injury. Additionally, it can assist in improving your overall lifting performance. In essence, using tacky allows you to focus more on your technique and less on gripping the stone.

The Different Types of Tacky

When it comes to choosing tacky, there's a wide range available, each with its unique characteristics.

  1. Standard Tacky: This is the most common type of tacky. It's a reliable option that provides a strong grip, suitable for most weather conditions.
  2. Cold Weather Tacky: Designed specifically for colder climates, this tacky stays pliable even in lower temperatures.
  3. Hot Weather Tacky: On the other end of the spectrum, hot weather tacky is designed to resist becoming too runny when temperatures rise.

Choosing the right tacky ultimately depends on your specific needs and environmental conditions. Some manufacturers grade their tackies by number. Usually this mean the higher the number, the better it is for higher heat and hevier lifts.

How to Apply Tacky for Atlas Stones

Using tacky effectively is a bit of an art form. The goal is to apply just enough to improve your grip, without overdoing it. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Start by warming up your tacky. You can do this by kneading it in your hands or placing it in a warm (not hot) place. The goal is to make it pliable.
  2. Apply a thin layer to your hands and forearms. Be sure to cover the entire surface area that will come into contact with the stone.
  3. Let it sit for a moment to allow the tacky to become sticky.
  4. Now you're ready to lift! Remember to clean your hands and forearms thoroughly after your training session to remove the tacky.

My Personal Experience with Cerberus Tacky

In my own training, I've found that the Cerberus range of tacky really stands out. I've specifically used Cerberus Grade II Tacky in colder weather and Grade III Tacky during hot climates, and both have exceeded my expectations.

Cerberus Grade II in Cold Weather

Cerberus Grade II Tacky has been my go-to when the mercury dips. Unlike some other tackies, this one doesn't harden up in cold conditions. It retains its pliability, making it easier to apply and ensuring a secure grip on the Atlas Stones. What's more, it's incredibly adhesive, which means you won't be dealing with stones slipping out of your hands mid-lift. If you're lifting in colder climates, I'd highly recommend Cerberus Grade II.

Cerberus Grade III in Hot Weather

On the flip side, when the sun is beating down, I switch to Cerberus Grade III Tacky. It's been specifically designed for warmer conditions, meaning it doesn't become overly runny or lose its grip. Even in the most intense heat, this tacky maintains a perfect balance of stickiness and pliability. It's easy to apply, provides a strong grip, and doesn't leave an excessive residue. So, for those hot summer training sessions, Grade III is my preferred choice.

In conclusion, the Cerberus range of tacky has been an invaluable addition to my strongman toolkit. Depending on the weather, switching between Grade II and III has helped me optimize my Atlas Stones performance. Give them a try and see if they work as well for you as they have for me.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right tacky and applying it correctly can make a world of difference in your Atlas Stones lifts. Remember, every strongman is unique, so what works for one person may not work for you. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of tacky and application techniques until you find what gives you the best grip and performance. Also you might want to read how to remove the tacky before applying it everywhere.

Happy lifting, and may your Atlas Stones always rise high!